[Xiamen New Channel Autumn课程]出国学习/Kao和PEI,试图在这里工作!
Xiamen的新渠道是纽卡内利单位赛肾上腺素的缩写。它是由胡敏教授共同创立的,于2004年10月16日领导了团队成员。他的总部位于北京海德岛的中冈。美国国际数据集团(IDG)和美国卡普兰国际教育小组参加了战略投资的语言培训机构。培训学校的管辖权[1],国外未来的学习[2],国际教育[3],在线教育[4],Jinqiu A-Level [5]外教在线一对一英语口语:Xiamen介绍,易于参加研究生入学考试[6],图书出版[7] ,家庭教育,家庭教育[8],国际研究[9],鲸鱼航空技术[10]和其他分支机构,提供雅思(雅思),托福(TOEFL),GRE,GMAT,GMAT,GMAT,SAT,SAT,ACT,ACT,AP,SSAT,SSAT英语培训,英语能力准备课程和外教口语质量海外考试培训课程。通过制定和实施准确的学习解决方案,学生希望学生能够不断学习提高英语能力和考试成绩外教在线一对一英语口语,同时精通海外学习所需的批判性思维,社交交流和团队合作能力。个性化,高质量的课程和完整的学习模型,以满足不同学生的不同学习需求。
Xiamen新频道国际教育小组主席Hu Min,中国故事研究所院长。 Educational experts, members of the State Council's Degree Office of the National Chinese International Education Professional Degree Education Steering Committee, part -time professors from many universities such as Nanjing Normal University, Shanghai Normal University, and Huazhong Normal University, and Master of Students from Shandong大学。 The Communist Party Central Committee's "Chuang Youth" National University Student Entrepreneurship Contest, member of the "Belt and Road" Cooperative Development Action Center of the "Belt and Road" Cooperation Development Action Center of the Communist Party of China.
At the age of 15, he was admitted to the undergraduate of Xiangtan University, at the age of 19 to go to the university podium, at the age of 24, he obtained a master's degree in Shanghai Normal University, and the 28 -year -老帕克斯特(Old Pockest)被提升为副教授。他赢得了北京哲学和社会科学第五次杰出成就的二等奖。多年来,在语言培训领域的深入研究中,“雅思9分”系列的编辑 - 在英国文化协会的“ 20 -year -old 20 -ear -old)中获得了授予。 20 -year -old 20-授予“杰出贡献奖,并由ETS(美国教育考试服务中心)评为“ 40年40年”。
他是“全球能力:未来未来的核心收购”的作者,这是第一个讨论该理论专着的国内制度。翻译“未来世界青年行动指南 - PISA如何评估全球能力”和“为全球晚餐。全球界变化世界中全球能力的教学 - 培养”有助于教育者了解国际教育的主要思想。
自2017年以来,他已经编辑了一系列“英语中文故事”系列的书籍,中文和英文双语阅读版本的“ cundects of cuncucius”,“ tao te ching”,“ sun tzu的军事艺术”,“ 129小学生的文章“初中生必须记住古代诗132本书,例如“文章”,为2021年的国际化过程做出了重大贡献; of Youth Education", it took the lead in launching the golden circle of youth education in China. From 2020 to 2022, we joined hands with China Education Television to organize the "Telling Chinese Story in 英语 " activities, which has a profound influence at国内外。
40 years old: Give up enviable positions and generous treatment, create new channels, and achieve proud results in the fields of education and training in IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, GRE, postgraduate 英语 , practical 英语 .
In 1999, Mr. Sean Hyde, who was the British Cultural Council, met with the British Cultural Council Global IELTS President, and visited the Cambridge University Examination Committee to become a Chinese scholar who explored IELTS;
2004年初,他辞去了新东方总统的职务,并于同年10月16日成立了新频道。 He is currently the founder and CEO of the New Channel International Education Group. Get proud of IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, AP, GRE, postgraduate 英语 , practical 英语 and other education and training fields.
In September 2011, the new standard of new channel education and training was redefined: boutique small class+full -process teaching assistant+personalized services.
厦门新航道学校,专业提供厦门雅思培训、托福、SAT、SSAT、厦门GMAT培训、GRE一站式一对一VIP式英语考试培训,涵盖了英语学习规划、老师答问、在线咨询、网上测评、 Learn information, student services, new channel communities, etc.